Integrating Sweet Sorghum and Sugarcane for Bioenergy: Modelling The Potential for Electricity and Ethanol Production in SE Zimbabwe

Research in to the use of sweet sorghum in Europe, Zimbabwe, and elsewhere is now based at Imperial College London (formerly at King's College London) and Themba Technology Ltd, and was co-ordinated by the late and sadly missed Prof. D.O. Hall. The research is led by Jeremy Woods located in the Division of Science & Technology at the College's South Kensington Campus.

This research is currently funded through the Common Fund for Commodities and previously by the European Union. It involves the collaboration between KCL, the Science and Industry Research and Development Centre (Zimbabwe), the Biomass User's Network (Zimbabwe), the DR&SS Lowveld Research Station (Zimbabwe), Triangle Ltd. (Zimbabwe), and the International Sugar Organisation (UK).

The progress of the research up to March 2000 is analysed in detail in Dr Woods' PhD thesis which is provided in full in Adobe Acrobat format below the Abstract.

PhD Chapters in Acrobat (downloadable) format

Index and Chapter 1 (Uploaded 14-sep-01)
Chapter 2: Current Status (Uploaded 14-sep-01)
Chapter 3: Materials & Methods (Uploaded 14-sep-01)
Chapter 4: Results (Uploaded 14-sep-01)
Chapter 5: Discussion & Conclusions incl refs (Uploaded 14-sep-01)
Apendices (Uploaded 14-sep-01)
Sweet Sorghum Research Page